Monday, July 14, 2014

Remote Work

Good news, it turns out I can 3D print food.  I had the wrong drivers, material, printer, and software, but I had the right idea.  That has to count for something, right?  I've taken corrective steps so that I will be able to print food when we encounter the next crisis resulting in a total building lockdown.  I'm also considering opening an Amazon Fresh account since I think that will be much easier than stockpiling rations in the bunker.

Now that I've spent the last two weeks free from the occupation, I'm reluctant to return.  My desire to remain outside has nothing to do with Compensation Package.  I spent this past weekend completing a few items on the worksheet for a customer's long-term test vehicle.  The car was dropped off to us last year for a routine maintenance and tune-up, but we forgot about it.  The customer must have missed the memo about the closure of the complaint department, and sent in complaints that were never answered.  It was luck that I stumbled on the car in the warehouse Saturday morning.  I saw that it only needed minor maintenance, so I completed the job.  The last item on the list was a spark plug change.  This would have been completed months ago, but someone stole the spark plugs that were supposed to go into this vehicle.  What should have taken ten minutes ballooned to two hours because of operator error.  My skills have deteriorated from inactivity.  I mixed up the plugs and ended up installing four of the old plugs after just removing them.  I blame the radio for distracting me.

A sense of accomplishment is nice to have every so often.  It helps to remind me why I got involved in this operation in the first place.  This Monday has beaten all others because I have learned that Fred handled the Compensation Package debacle for us like an expert.  This was a wonderful present to receive after the Pacific northwest trip.  That poor snake never saw it coming.  While it did appear strange that Compensation Package's skin was almost intact, I interpreted that to be the result of Fred being a fastidious eater.  I doubt anyone was ever placed in a worse situation by doing additional research, but I didn't have time to perform an in-depth autopsy.  I also don't yet have that capability.  Footage from the security cameras indicate that Fred had a full meal from Compensation Package, but I can't be sure until I've been able to verify it with my own eyes.  I'm starting to feel like Fred believes he is an important part of the team, and that he wants to contribute again.

Erring on the side of caution is the wise decision at the moment.  In order to do that and continue to run AcMo's operations, I have switched to a remote work configuration.  I have an important trip planned later in the week, so I decided to maximize my out of office time.  Besides, I don't think anyone at the shop has even noticed I'm not in my office.  Operations are so smooth that my presence doesn't impact the daily flow.  Our competitors wish their companies were as efficient.

It is against AcMo protocol to have a day filled with good news alone.  The bad news is always the hardest to accept, made even more difficult when it deflates the energy of a hard fought victory.  Before I could muster the courage to walk back into AcMo HQ, one of the shop floor specialists tweeted a pic of Compensation Package slithering behind the autoclave.  It appears that what Fred attacked was an empty shell--a clever decoy, which explains why there wasnt any mess.  If only we could get Compensation Package in some pre-preg resin!  We could have the world's first carbon fiber snake.  Now I'm not sure if I can trust Fred.  He must have known something, but he failed to alert anyone.  Is he mocking us, or is something more sinister afoot?  At least I know to put Fred on double secret probation for the next few weeks while we hunt down Compensation Package.  This must be the first time in history a company has come close to defeat because of a venomous snake.  A solution has just presented itself. I need to let it marinate, but it involves getting Snob Duben together with Compenaation Package. 

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