Thursday, August 21, 2014


I finally realized that to get what I need--want bailed out of the jet long ago--I have to be more. I must be more cunning, clever, relentless, and fearless. That discovery was quite a liberating moment, but it was also fraught with trepidation.  What if I can't raise my game?  What if I'm giving it all I've got, Captain?  What then?  That will have to be a worry for another day because I'm going to direct all of energy in Omnicron Corp.'s general direction soon. I plan to enter the enemy's lair and reclaim my property. Besides, the building swap was never going to work. I am almost certain I damaged the foundation of Omnicron Corp.'s building making it unsafe for AcMo to inhabit anyway.

My personal crêpe chef--yeah, I have one of those at AcMo--said this to me over the weekend:  "don't talk about it, be about it."  This did not occur during a discussion regarding AcMo's operations because I don't discuss business on the weekends.  I need my down time and my beauty sleep.  That's one of the reasons AcMo has been pivoting all week like a spinning top on overdrive.  We're making covert moves to fortify our positions.

After this post is published it will be the AcMo blog's hundredth post!  AcMo has now accomplished the herculean task of reaching syndication! There were so many who doubted us from the beginning.  I'm glad we were able to prove them wrong.  The money required to fund AcMo's continued operations will start rolling in even faster now.  I'm so happy and excited for this day because I can finally power on more than one computer.  This will make it possible for us to devote more time to acquiring contracts with even more F1 teams.

We are consulting with several teams at the back of the grid right now.  Their failure to improve has nothing to do with our consulting. The only issue we might have caused--and I have no definitive proof we are responsible--is a monetary one because a significant portion of their budgets are used to cover our consulting fees. We have a lot of fees.  Those fees may take funds away from vehicle development, but it isn't like we forced any of these teams to sign our consulting agreement.  As I said, I have no definitive proof that we might be responsible for multiple budget shortfalls, but there is a chance.  Our goal is to sign on with a front running team, and offer them solutions that may improve performance, but will at least not detract from it.  If we can do that, we can take credit for their successes since it will be impossible to prove we weren't a contributing factor.  This is how AcMo became linked to the explosive growth of fiber optics, privatized space exploration, and clean energy production.

I will also get my wish of making the staff redundant sooner than I had thought possible.  In fact, I am considering retiring from the AcMo blog as well.  I know I make this look easy, but it is hard work behind the scenes.  The truth is that I'm tired of the grind.  My poor finger tips are scarred from the massive amounts of typing I have to do to keep the blog operational.  It almost takes up as much time as AcMo's actual operations.  Don't even get me started on how draining it is on my mental resources.  It's a good thing I have superior allocation skills or AcMo would be in real trouble.  We have been looking at a massive cloud computing expansion as well which should alleviate some of our operational issues.  We can finally take control of more clouds than ever before and do it for far less money which means we will have our AcMo Weather Generator on line sooner than we had anticipated.  We're going to use those clouds to control our clouds and make them do our bidding.

Sometimes when you do mediocre work, people still take notice.  We've seen this countless times in the past with a lot of our contracts.  During a track session, our lap times are never the fastest, but they are also never the slowest.  Our crashes and mechanical failures are always the biggest though.  We need to keep our name in the spotlight any way possible.  The higher our profile, the easier it is to land new consulting contracts and acquire additional revenue streams, and with our increased cloud power, we can maybe service those lucrative contracts.

The timing of our 100th post was almost perfect.  AcMo received an invitation yesterday to test drive a new exotic vehicle appearing on the market early in 2015, but due to other commitments, we had to decline.  I'm not at liberty to disclose the vehicle manufacturer, or the vehicle, but I do know that only 99 of them will be available for sale here in honor of Wayne Gretzky.  OK, you caught me, I don't have any idea why they chose 99.  If someone had informed me earlier that we were about to reach syndication, we could have made it work.  It was too bad because I had the perfect companion lined up to be a co-driver for the event.  Although she did mention something about Bubonic plague, so maybe it's for the best that we couldn't attend the test session.  There will be other cars.  As a consolation prize, I'll be stuck in the hyperbaric chamber at HQ1 creating new revenue streams instead of tearing up a race track, which is kind of depressing.

Speaking of revenue streams, all of ours are stored in an unbreakable repository within the deepest recesses of my mind.  I will have to rethink that backup strategy once our mind control is operational.  I have the Fountain of Wisdom's water to assist me in keeping all of the details straight in my head, but I wonder how "normal" people do it.  I wish some device existed that could keep written records in a secure fashion.  Hmm...I need to investigate this and now I'll have time to do that since AcMo has reached syndication.

The only negative for today--only having one on any day is rare--is that I still haven't located the source of our information leak.  None of that will matter once we start receiving our syndication checks though.  Do not be surprised if the AcMo blog goes offline the moment the first check is deposited.  I never loved it here anyway.  I will find a hidden island in a non-extradition country where I can enjoy an ice cold lemonade and watch my money work for me for a change.  I can't wait.  I already have my bag packed and my passports ready.

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