Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Click

It is that moment when the pieces click into place. Everything seems so simple and just makes sense. The solution, once discovered, is obvious, but the work required to arrive at the solution can often be quite laborious. Could a smarter individual have arrived at the solution faster and easier?  Perhaps, but we can never know that for sure.

Are we our own enemy in this process? Do we resist the obvious solution because it is too simple?   Is that why the answer can seem to tumble into place when our minds are free and the thoughts are flowing perhaps that is what happens while in the shower?  I have a lot of questions today.  It was that kind of day.  All of the obstacles wash away leaving the core of the problem and the ability to mentally see the way it is and the way it should be.  I don't know, but that sounds good to me.

I utilize a mental technique that allows me to isolate all outside disturbances so I can free my mind to solve complex issues.  I drop myself into the isolation chamber and meditate until I can't stand it any longer.  This is how I develop most of AcMo's astounding and innovative new products, and also how I create new deal structures that allow us to acquire new operations as fast as possible.  We are all about speed and building momentum here, that's why it's in the name.  Much like the mechanical click of a well-oiled machine's pieces mating to complete their purpose, I hear that same sound in my mind when my ideas click.  It also could be a small issue with my spinal cord, but I'm pretty sure the clicking sound is just my imagination.  I hope.  I don't need any more surprises this week.

I have gained a new perspective on business operations as a result of our recent turmoil.  I learned to always keep my money close and know where it is headed if I have to let it go.  I also now know that it needs to check-in with me every hour and can never be allowed to stay out past curfew.  That should have been lesson #1, but I do things backward sometimes.  We provide results, just not in the way most people expect them.  The stress of surprise failures is always worse than the failures we see developing in front of us.  Stress is bad, and I take great pains to eliminate as much of it as possible from the organization and from my life in general.  This is why we deploy so many special operations divisions to keep our news sanitized.  We wouldn't want a mutiny, which is what would happen if the employees were ever permitted to know the truth.  The only news channel available on our televisions is CNN because they never get anything right.

This morning another piece of AcMo's gigantic puzzle clicked into place.  I saw our future direction, and the steps required to achieve it.  I know what I have to do, and as you all know by now, knowing is half the battle.  NO ONE ever told me what the other half of the battle is though.  I'm still trying to work out that conundrum.  I think that answer may be as unsolvable as the number of licks required to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.  I bet the wise old owl knows and has been selling the information on the black market for years.  Kaboom! I've just discovered a new potential revenue stream for AcMo. All I need to do is locate that owl and seize its data feed and distribution pipeline.  I'm going to need a new mousetrap to acquire some bait to lure the owl from its lair.  Compensation Package may have terrorized HQ1, but it did resolve our mouse problem, which is why I need a new mousetrap and some mice. This is going to be a fun new mission, and it will take me away from the current stressors here in the office.  Right now, this stupid Internet is stressing me out because it isn't fast enough, and these pages refuse to fill themselves with words no matter how long I spend trying to will it to happen.  This was not the future I was promised all those years ago.  Stupid Internet never does what I want it to do.

Oops, I did it again!  I'm not even trying to create new products and revenue streams right now, but they just happen.  That is the amazing power of the mental click.  AcMo is going to research development of a non-random page generator to fill the Internet with pages at speeds approaching 100 Mbps.  Keep in mind your results will vary depending on location and signal strength.  Most users will see pages filled at a lower rate.  At this time, the design is a concept only, so final specs could change without notice.  We will of course commence beta testing on this blog's pages as soon as we have our development prototype compiled.  Expect to see great things written here as a result.

This is why I love being in control of AcMo and its various subsidiaries.  Every single day is a new opportunity to acquire or create businesses and revenue streams in every market sector.  I never know where we'll be operating next, but I know it will be exciting.  In fact, because we have been so successful at developing our talent of clicking into solutions, I am going to review the potential for opening a division dedicated to providing click-sourced results to other businesses.  Think of it as the ultimate secret business building weapon.  If it works for us, it will work for you, which works for us because we'll make money when you make money.

At this point, it isn't a question of if, but when every other business will join the AcMo conglomerate.  It's a good thing I have this water to keep me on top of everything.  At my previous mental level, this whole operation would have fallen apart years ago.  As it stands now, I can see this operation running in perpetuity, especially if we can get our non-random page generator to work.

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