Friday, August 29, 2014

Travel Delay

Zip line testing will commence tomorrow.
You'll have to look closely at the above picture to identify the zip line, but I assure you, it is there.

We had a VIP client deliver a vehicle this morning with a minor complaint. While this was an unscheduled visit, we do everything we can to accommodate our clientele.  We also charge double for unscheduled repair visits.  This worked out great for me because I had to take a trip to the race track, and I didn't have a functioning vehicle to drive.  I seized this opportunity to prescribe extended durability testing to isolate the vehicle's problems.  While I'm not a doctor, and have never played one on TV, I do have House, M.D. degree.

I'm not a fan of long distance drives because I get bored and tired and you can only bounce (your) vehicle off of so many other left lane violators before the police get involved.  I only slept three times during the trip, but I had the autopilot engaged each time.  Even with my power naps, I'm still quite fatigued.  Now add in the time change, and I'm a mess.  As a result, you are not going to receive my best efforts in this post.

I performed about 390 miles of extensive testing today, but I'm still not sure there is a problem with the vehicle.  I'm afraid it is going to require additional use to isolate the problem.  The great news is that I was able to make it to the race track. I consider this a win for both AcMo and our client. However, the PEB squad managed to catch us during lunch.  We received two tickets for our trouble, and a reminder that the PEBs are everywhere and they are always watching.  I dislike PEBs.  In fact, now I'm mad all over again just thinking about this messed up situation.  The tickets weren't even parking violations, and the state doesn't even have jurisdiction to enforce the laws the tickets claim we broke.  It is a straight up racket, but I bet it is a powerful revenue stream.  I need to look into hijacking it for AcMo's purposes.  I could make the PEBs work for me.  That would be fun.

Today was a long day of driving that has left me mentally drained.  Add to that our lack of Internet connectivity, and the fact I'm very busy consulting for several clients this weekend, so don't expect to see tomorrow's post tomorrow as it will be delayed until it isn't. 

Thank you for your understanding.  

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