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Thursday, March 26, 2015


That is impressive hang time.

I've mentioned this in previous AcMo posts, but for those who don't read, or over-use the <skim> tags while reading, I'll cover it again.  Rule #1 is simple and clear:  falling is forbidden.  This is meant to cover both physical falls and the mental falls that often lead to physical falls.

I can't stress this enough because so many people take this rule for granted.  We've all seen the warning signs:  lack of attention to locomotion and lackadaisical effort, face in screen while walking and/or running, untied shoelaces, mental ambivalence, etc.  Don't forget the actual warning signs that foretell a fall.  AcMo scientists are still working out the technology that indicates how to know where to place those signs.

 Immense core strength is the only thing preventing this stick figure from experiencing a serious fall.

It is not how many times we fall, but how many times we get back up and try again.  The person who shared that probably never broke multiple bones because of a fall.  I have no doubt it was created by the marketing department of a pharmaceutical company to bolster pain relief revenue streams and guarantee they will continue to grow.  There is no grand prize awarded to people not affiliated with a pharmaceutical company for getting up just to be knocked down again.  Adaptation and new approaches are often required to avoid falling for the same reasons.  That’s a hard lesson to learn for some.  Most children seem to inherently understand this, but the oppressive educational system somehow educates that lesson right out of our brains.

Whenever I think we're never going to improve and keep failing and falling down, I read a refreshing story that reminds me we're not alone in making messes that include expensive falls.  Navy Jets With Extra Fuel Can’t Be Launched Off New U.S. Carrier.

There’s still hope for us since we haven’t yet had a multi-billion dollar fall.  I don’t think AcMo could get back up after a fall of that magnitude.

I don’t know where this falling cow zone is, but it must be avoided at all costs.

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