Friday, September 1, 2017

The Blueprint

I've heard the advice before today:  find someone else who has already successfully done what you want to do and copy them.  I found our model, but the copying part has proven problematic.  I have been sitting on this problem for a long time.  I don't feel that I'm any closer to the solution today than I was 15 years ago.


It has always bothered me, but I could never bring myself to do the research because I thought it was unknowable.  There is a limit to the amount of knowledge one person and one organization can hold before becoming useless trivia repositories.  I wanted to avoid that fate, but I NEED to know the truth.

Wile E. Coyote must be ACME's best customer ever.  I have so many questions.  How does he come up with the funds to purchase so many ACME products?  Does he even pay for them?  If he doesn't, how does ACME remain operational?  I know that if I can answer some of my many questions, I can model AcMo's operating blueprint on ACME's.  I never thought a hapless coyote who has never, and I mean never come close to catching AND eating that roadrunner could be my salvation.

Wile E. Coyote should not have survived this long.  He is incapable of catching AND eating his prey, so he must not be eating much of anything.  He shouldn't even have the energy and stamina to continue his roadrunner hunting.  Perhaps there is a lesson regarding perseverance here too.  I can sympathize with the coyote becoming obsessed with chasing something for so long and not being able to do anything else.  He didn't have anyone in his inner circle to talk him out of his quest.  I'm not sure that would have worked anyway.  He did have the greatest enabler ever in the ACME corporation.

All of the secrets to business and life success are hidden inside this long standing duel.  I just need to unlock them so I can bask in the glory.  Roadrunner glory, of course, not Wile E. Coyote's because he is a walking failure.  How does he even have the capability to walk on his hind legs?  More importantly, and this could be pivotal for our future endeavors, how has he survived the numerous gruesome mishaps he's experienced?

As I said, I have so many questions.  The coyote's purchasing history with ACME is an example of the greatest brand loyal customer in the history of retail.  AcMo would like to have customers that loyal.  I would consider sending the coyote an RFP to get him to buy his hardware from us instead of ACME.  I have to be upfront though and state that I am pro-roadrunner, so I doubt our equipment will work any better, but at least we'll be getting the coyote's money--assuming he's actually paying for their merchandise.

I have found several inconclusive references to help explain how the coyote secures ACME products.  Some say the coyote is an ACME employee.  We have way too high turnover to allow any one employee to have that much of our merchandise without paying for it, so that isn't going to happen.

There is a rumor that the coyote's protege somehow has access to an unlimited credit ACME account which he lets Wile E. use at his discretion.   That wouldn't work for AcMo unless we can guarantee our mail trucks will intercept the bills before the cardholder receives them.  You all know how unreliable the postal service is.  As long as we keep doing what we're doing, I don't think that reliability score will increase, so we have a shot with this idea.  However, there is no way on Earth we would ever supply an unlimited credit account to anyone, especially not a coyote.  They can't be trusted.  The possibility that ACME has given the coyote a favorable line of credit also exists.  I can't see a reputable company like ACME offering a line of credit to a coyote who doesn't appear to have any secured assets or any chance at victory.

It has been alleged that the coyote is a beta tester for ACME, so he isn't buying any of that stuff.  If that's the case, AcMo has its own beta tester, so we need to set up an unbeatable adversary for our beta tester and then supply him with all of the tools he needs to never win.  That could work with the right motivation.  The truth is, we're kind of already doing that, so I don't think it will help us scale to be a legitimate ACME competitor.

It is disheartening that I haven't yet cracked the code and discovered how ACME truly operates and why this coyote can walk and run on his hind legs.  Possessing the answers to this puzzling situation will force people to call me a visionary leader years after the fact.  I just hope I have more luck than that poor coyote.  

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