Neurons, we all have them. Some of us light them up more often and for longer periods than others. External forces can catalyze a neural explosion that sets a person's brain on fire. Extraordinary things happen for a few seconds before you lose consciousness when your brain is on fire. Just like the situation in a vivid dream, a few seconds of fire brain can feel like several hours. That's more than enough time to create a detailed success plan. This happened to me last week after a phone conversation with C. Scagnetti. My brain is still buzzing.
All of these neurons lifting up are working together to form new AcMo revenue streams. One mind working together to build a better future. This is a future that has flying mech suits with optional railguns (SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED, AMMO SOLD SEPARATELY!), invincible car body panels, and another new revenue stream with enormous potential: invincible engine blocks! I don't know how that one escaped us for so long. That one innovation is the only thing AcMo needs to solidify our position as the world's premier engine modifiers. We could have saved so much heartache and client anguish if we had created invincible engines before we started modifying cars. Scagnetti's wisdom has opened 1000 new opportunity doors for us. I can't even keep pace with the ideas flowing right now.
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Credit: Science Photo Library - KTSDESIGN Brand X Pictures Getty Images |
Look closely at the picture below. It is almost exactly what my head and hair looked like the moment after I processed the profundity of Scagnetti's knowledge bomb. You would be able to see that if you had fMRI eyes or were a superhero of some sort, or both. Definitely call AcMo if you're both because we always have openings on our roster for individuals with superhuman skill sets.
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Credit: Srivas Chennu |
We don't waste anything at AcMo. Our office furniture came from that dump site down the street. Most of our important office accouterments originated in a dumpster somewhere. A couple coats of Lysol will clean just about anything. The original bomb internals will be repurposed for other projects in the near future. We plan to utilize the latest recycling tech to transform our cache of borrowed lethal bombs into a cash printing business. We're calling that one Scagnetti's Explosive Cache For Explosive Cash. Not bad considering I didn't have to go to the marketing department for that one. Scagnetti's exploding bills are also single-use items, but their origin won't be traceable back to AcMo if anyone discovers their non-existent reusability. This is the type of solution without a downside, so we're going all in on this one.
Dropping enlightenment packages and scaling Scagnetti's Explosive Cache For Exploding Cash business is going to be fun. We will be able to close down all of the payday loan businesses before they realize what has happened. I never liked Monopoly, but having real monopolies is so much more interesting than a silly board game. Who wants to live out of a shoe on Park Avenue anyway? And railways are not that exciting, unless a train is derailing--which happens all of the time--so maybe railways are exciting. Hmm...a new revenue stream is forming. AcMo Derailing Train Kits (which are just repackaged regular train kits) are coming soon to a store near you. We may have to start wearing life jackets to keep from drowning in any of our revenue streams. AcMo has done it again!
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