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Monday, April 6, 2015

The Quiet Hours

The quiet hours are their own special form of torture. Similar to the infamous Chinese water torture, just missing the steady drip of water, but probably just as effective. Counting time until the next scheduled big event is painful. The waiting is amplified by the anticipation, and each second that moves time closer also seems to move it farther from the goal. 

Looking too far ahead can be a distraction. It is so hard to focus on right now when there are a number of upcoming events to worry about in the future.  The quiet hours provide too much time for the mind to wander from the objective, and/or thing of all the potential negative outcomes. 

Making the right decision is difficult. There are so many variables and so many  outcomes. Analysis paralysis is a lethal condition. Even the best decision is worthless if the action to follow is never executed. Mistakes are a part of being human.  It is important to react mistakes, and learn to adapt and adjust when necessary. No plan is perfect, no person is perfect, so mistakes are part of the game. Those who respond the best from mistakes usually emerge victorious.

In the interim, I have to hurry up and wait for the next big event while trying not to let the distractions take control.

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