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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Street Sweepers

It should be clear to everyone by now that AcMo is an innovative solutions company.  Now you know, if you didn't already know.  AcMo is synonymous with quality craftsmanship.  Our explosive engine expertise has created an unparalleled knowledge base that will benefit your organization today.  It is a little surprising that we aren't receiving more client inquiries every day.

There are times when AcMo selects pro bono clients to facilitate increased awareness for our amazing brand. It also doesn't hurt to reduce some of the court mandated community service hours.  Our primary objective is to turn fast cars into even faster cars--if only for a few moments.  That's what happened to Silver Bullet, but I don't want to talk about it because it is still heartbreaking.

Our previous efforts almost always started with cars parked on the street.  This was the easiest option since the owners weren't present to prohibit modifications.  Their absence was understood by us to be consent to commence modification services, so that's what we did.  We managed to modify a lot of parked vehicles.  The biggest issue we faced was dealing with overzealous members of the PEB squad.  This sometimes worked, but a lot of those instances resulted in trips to court--not fun!  To be honest, I was sick of seeing the judge, and I'm pretty sure the judge was sick of having AcMo as a defendant.  We switched to stealth modifications so that the owners wouldn't be able to tell that we did the work, but that hampered our ability to win repeat business.

It became obvious that AcMo needed a new business model to build a true global operation.  This is where our modified pro bono approach helps.  Our latest project is going to make an immediate impact on our operations, and allow us to scale enough to offer fleet sales.  In fact, it just occurred to me that we can acquire an endless supply of vehicles to mod through rental agencies.  I love it when a new idea just appears like that.

Our plan is to locate vehicles on the street that lack utility and are not what their manufacturers claim them to be.  4 door utility coupés are an example of target vehicles.  These are vehicles built off of an SUV base, but look like they are bloated and were taken out of the finishing studio before the timer had expired.  Once we have found suitable vehicles, we plan to turn them into the world's fastest street sweepers.  We want to bring fun and excitement back to the job of cleaning America's streets.  I can't think of a better way to clean a street than at high speed in a twin turbocharged vehicle.

Image result for mercedes benz glc 63
Styled by mistake
Image result for bmw x6m
Vehicle selection is based on the following criteria:  questionable styling and design; more speed than is reasonable for vehicle type and weight; and adequate ground clearance to attach the motorized brushes and cleaning fluid sprayers.

The first three contenders are the Mercedes GLC 63 S Coupé (NOT a coupé), Porsche Cayenne Turbo S, and BMW X6M (again, NOT a coupé).  Just for fun we may use all three and then run comparison tests to determine which one will become the AcMo branded production vehicle.  Or, we might add all three to the permanent fleet.
Porsche DNA after inbreeding

I know you're wondering why we would need one of those outlandish vehicles.  First, I can reassure you that it is for a good cause that helps the environment.  I  know what I said the other day about abandoning all turbocharger development work, but that was a long time ago, and things change quickly around here.  We're back messing around w/turbos and we plan on going bigger than ever.  If we can figure out how to electrify part of the drivetrain, and the brushes, we will not only be able to clean the streets, but also spark rodents.  As I said, AcMo is a solutions company.  Solving tough problems is what we do daily.

The design phase has already begun which means there will be running prototypes in a few weeks.  Because these vehicles are faster than traditional street sweepers, we will be able to make multiple passes on the same street in less time than a normal street sweeper can make one pass.  This will enable us to use dedicate extra time to add Armor-All to provide a just cleaned street that shine that will aid in reflecting the sun and bright lights, and reduce grip for impromptu drift parties.  Your daily commute will never be predictable on an AcMo cleaned and detailed street.  There are even more environmental benefits to our twin turbocharged street sweeping program that won't be apparent without deeper reflection.  I will be glad to share those benefits after I have finished my deeper reflection.  This may take some days.

An additional area of interest during the prototype phase will be the development of a hybrid powered mosquito sprayer.  This would mean we would be positioned to achieve three objectives with one vehicle:  clean the streets; shock and awe rodents; and reduce or eradicate the mosquito population.  One early issue is that our proprietary formula has only managed to agitate mosquitos up to this point.  We are working hard to figure out the problem.

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