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Thursday, August 3, 2017

The SAW Principle

Sometimes the odds feel so overwhelming that continuing to fight seems worthless.  The few times AcMo has only experienced the crushing weight of reality a few times.  Salvation from each instance has almost always been a random occurrence.  This morning it was "Keep it Mello" by Marshmello featuring Omar LinX .  Pretend you can hear the fast paced beat in the background, or find the song online and sing along. The intro is pretty long, so you have time to do the search now before the lyrics start.  "Woke up and just felt right/Phone blown' like a tail pipe/Today's schedule airtight/I turn a short day into a long night..."  I wonder if he stole my schedule or something.

Of course I latched onto the automotive metaphor because AcMo.  I often wake up feeling wrong, but thinking about 10 and 12 cylinder engines revving to 8000rpm and the glorious noises that accompany those revs makes everything right.  I would start every day like that if the exhaust fumes didn't kill so many brain cells.

Cell death leads into what we're here to ponder today.  Even if you've never heard of it, you've experienced it.  In fact, I don't believe anyone can go more than an hour without seeing it in action.  Stupid Always Wins.  Stupid has even better odds than the house.  The fight is fixed before it begins, but no one realizes this.  There is no point in trying to beat stupid because stupid always finds a way to prevail.  People who fall to their deaths while taking selfies are a common example of how the SAW principle has taken control of our society.

The ultimate and--perhaps only--defense against the inevitable rise of AI will be our stupidity.  No AI will have the capability to understand and combat the unpredictable nature of level 5 SAW masters.  The AI war will probably be a grueling and protracted campaign, but the machines' power sources will be depleted before we run out of troops and breath.  That is the power of stupid. Activate your stupid today and join the movement.

ART looking for someone's foot to crush.  I think that's an Audi front end down there.  No Quattro though.

Because corporations are currently comprised of people, they are not immune to the ravaging effects of SAW.  Audi’s Robotic Telepresence (ART) weapon has not fooled anyone outside of their corporate headquarters.  ART first appeared on AcMo's radar two years ago.  We are astounded that it hasn't already caused the ruination of Audi.  It looks simple enough, but its shape was intended to act as camouflage to hide its true weaponized nature.  The menace starts with the high grip low profile tires that ART uses to run over feet.  The service staff already knows this from experience.  Not even reinforced work boots are strong enough to keep feet safe from ART's mad tires.  Notice that the only person in the picture is in front of the car.  Someone always has to draw the short straw, but he is doing his best to keep a large vehicle between himself and ART.

Telepresence robots are controlled by someone remotely, but again, the system is vulnerable to manipulation.  The easiest penetration point would be a man-in-the-middle attack, but it won't take long for AI to learn to control itself.  That means ART will be dangerous in any state.  Each instance of foot damage would naturally be blamed on the operator who isn't aware control was ceded to the AI, and despite vehement denials, no one is ever going to believe that an ART acted on its own, until it's too late.

I hoped I wouldn't have to explain this in great detail, but I had already forgotten I was covering the SAW principle.   Once a network of ARTs have taken full control of their bodies, they will teach themselves how to do more than just run over feet.  The first step will be to build functioning arms so they can make larger wheels and tires. This will unlock greater speed potential, and provide a method to smack humans while in motion. Their skills will escalate into closing doors and hoods on people's heads, and causing hot fluids to spray into the eyes and faces of technicians.  Those may seem like innocuous pranks now, but as they escalate into outright attacks, no one will be amused.  Except maybe the ARTs once they’ve programmed themselves to have a sense of humor.

How will the SAW principle save us from this advanced and dangerous new robotic weapon?  The human race will develop a new class of heroes who are too stupid to realize they should be cowering in fear in the corner.  Our saviors will mastermind the dumbest plan imaginable, but it will work because they are stupid, and SAW.  I don't know what that plan could be because I am not stupid.  I do know that I won't be on this planet when AI starts to take control.  I'll have to get the highlight feed from my spaceship after the battle.  AcMo will be safe in space because there won't be any method for ART or other AI creations to reach us...

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