Today I decided to start dealing with creative types because that is always an interesting challenge. AcMo is expanding into artist mismanagement because we love trying to mess with the natural order. AcMo Talent will soon be online and repping future stars. We may have embarked on an endeavor that even we can't handle, but I'm not worried. That's right, the mighty AcMo may not be up to the task, but I'm still not too worried.
Our first band's lead singer is Aidan, who injures himself a lot, thus he is familiar with all types and sizes of Band-Aids. Since he is the lead singer, and he wears the stuff anyway, what would you call the band? Exactly! BAND AIDAN!
The problem is that the rest of the band members and their parents refuse to open their eyes and see how perfect that name is. Everyone knows a bad band name destroys a band quicker than horrible music. A potential alternative name arrived a few moments ago: Wood Eraser. This is not because they are anti-forestry initiative. No, they love trees. Their official vehicle is an orange Subaru WRX STI WAGON! Nothing screams TREE HUGGER louder than that! The name is the result of a horrific typo and an overzealous autocorrect. Once autocorrect has confirmed a change, it can never be undone. So, Wood Eraser or Band Aidan? Which name makes you feel secure and protected by antibiotics?
Here are the major players in the band as of today: we have Aidan in lead, Cakes J on bass and piano--not both at the same time, Yum Yum on drums, and G Baby is the backup drummer and hype man. Be aware that this is a fluid arrangement, and members could be dismissed or forcibly removed from the band at any time. This is a complete band with complete band problems. The crew won't follow their lead, and most disagreements result in small-scale physical altercations. Remember though, no blood, no foul.
They are in the studio right now perfecting their sound and learning how to be professional musicians. They will be available soon for media appearances. Thankfully, they sent a lyrical sampler that we would like to share with all of you. There will be plenty more of this to come in the future as soon as we can get the name controversy handled.
I think these lyrics will form the basis for Band Aidan's first single,
Hello, it's us/band Aidan/we don't have time for hating /Oops! Do you have a cut?/let us help fix you up!/We sing to you to make it all better /Put on Band Aidan and we'll soothe all your pain/infection free/antibiotic if you want exotic/we'll make it better with time/we have all styles including plain/Don't worry your brain/We're Band Aidan/we're here to stop the ooze/you have nothing to lose when you trust Band Aidan with your cut or bruise.
Band Aidan is still waitin' to apply the pressure and stop the bleeding
Trust us with your wounds before it's too late
We're here for you in convenient 4-packs
Just sign on the dotted line/we need a waiver before we can bandage you
No need for Urgent Care/It's probably closed
Band Aidan will always help you heal
Of course that still needs a bit of polishing before we can record it, and I have to confirm the band name before we bet big on the song. I have been trying to create a masking track so that they won't know the true name of their band until it is too late to change it. All we need to do is get a couple hundred thousand records pressed with Band Aidan on them, and it will be too late to have any other name.
AcMo Talent Mismanagement is focused on providing the right environment for our artists to help them reach their full potential, and accept that Band Aidan is the only viable option to take them to super stardom. Contact AcMo Talent Mismanagement if your artistic career needs a new direction. We can help take it straight down the drain.
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